PHP Shopping Cart Software is a SMART, FEATURE PACKED, LOW COST and SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY software to launch your online shopping site. Our software is a complete solution to START YOUR OWN ONLINE WEB SHOP. It has a potential to generate very heavy revenues for you. We have built it with SPECIAL FOCUS ON enhanced ease of users, increased profits of webmasters And great search engine visibility. This way you get more visitors + convert higher percentage of visitors in sales which in turn ENHANCE PROFITS.
NOTE: Shopping Cart Software offers you UNBELIEVABLE CUSTOMIZABILITY with ability to change COLORS, FONTS, ICONS,GRAPHICS of your site directly from the admin panel.
IMPORTANT: ATTRIBUTES (e.g. color/size of a shirt) for the items you upload can also be set from admin panel. At the time of purchasing buyer can choose the color he wants.
LANGUAGE TRANSLATABLE ( NEW ! ) Now this script is fully front end LANGUAGE CUSTOMIZABLE. It means that you can run the script front end in any language like ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, HEBREW, ARABIC and so on. You can translate all text strings used in the script front end in ONE LANGUAGE FILE (e.g. english.php). Then all strings used in the script front end will come in your native language. You can also change CHARACTER ENCODINGS (default utf-8), TEXT DIRECTIONS (ltr or rtl), PHP LOCALE SETTINGS etc in the language file.The data that comes from MySQL database comes in the language in which it is entered. So, just use your native language in MySQL db and translate the language file. This way you can run the script in your native language.
PHP Shopping Cart Software is perfect to launch your own top quality online shopping portal (web shop / ecommerce web site). It is a COMPLETE SCRIPT with GREAT FEATURES like:
- Support of Admin defines ATTRIBUTES OF ITEMS. E.g. color, size etc. Buyer can choose its value like (Red, White, Yellow) at the time of purchase.
- Support for MULTIPLE PAYMENT GATEWAYS. You can accept payment through paypal, 2checkout and offline payment methods
- Special support additional costs like SHIPPING, TAX, HANDLING CHARGES etc
- Multilevel categorization of cart items for CONVENIENT BROWSING and easier maintenance
- SEO optimized to provide you better visibility in search engines (using separate meta tags for each item details detail page and category)
- It has AMAZING ABILITY to have separate TITLE, meta description, meta keywords etc. for each classified ads detail page & category
- URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) for all the item pages and category pages for GREAT Search Engine Visibility
- Quick search to find items of interest quickly
- ADVANCED SEARCH allows search based on price range, category, keyword etc
- Support for UNLIMITED COLOR SCHEMES and ICON SETS . You can define multiple color schemes or icon sets as per your taste. There are some predefined color schemes as well. You can make any color scheme or icon set active for display in front end.
- ENCRYPTED PASSWORD for admin area with md5 one-way encryption for higher security
- Support for CAPTCHA IMAGE VERIFICATION on Contact us form for reducing SPAM POSTING.
- Power Packed software admin area with many options
- Parameters are highly configurable through the admin panel
- You can define these ads in admin panel.
- Any number of ads can be kept in rotation to enhance REVENUE generated by the web site
- Great earning potential.