Looking for a theme to showcase your technology, products or services? We've got your fix!
PJ Solid-ST8 is September's addition to the Pure Joomla! lineup. This one comes in two striking color schemes.
It is packed with the powerful features you've come to expect from our brilliant themes...and some new additions, too.
* Completely Valid CSS & table-free layout!
* Highly Configurable via the Template Manager
* Fluid or Fixed Width ( pixels or % )
* PJ Menu System (module) Learn More
o Subtext and Image Support!
o Superfish Nav-Bar
o Animated Suckerfish
o Vertical Flyout
* PJ Newslist V2 (module) Learn More
* Slideshow Script (the fabulous "Anything Slider")
* Social Media Icon Toolbar
jQuery 1.4 PLUS New Features!
JQWe've reworked EVERYTHING for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery (1.4.2 to date). Doing this has also allowed us to include some new options, and should allow for a much greater level of compatibility with 3rd-party developer's plugins ( a-la JomSocial, etc).
Here are some of the additions:
* "Magically" appearing Scroll-to-Top box (bottom-right).
* LazyLoad plugin ( See it in action! ) for loading images only once they enter the viewport.
* FontEffect ( Shadows, etc ) for certain text elements and classes
* Completely reworked styleswitcher / cookie handler
*Each of these can easily be disabled, if desired, via the template manager.
SolidState Full Package (12.25 MB)
Live Demo
Download PureJoomla SolidState